Recent content by Luka0938

  1. Luka0938

    Suggestion Declined Adding Ladders to SRO cars

    that what i ment we can rp that ladders are 5 meters but what i was trying to say is we just need script for LFB 9.5 meters ladders so we can get them at fist place
  2. Luka0938

    Suggestion Declined Adding Ladders to SRO cars

    so for example 9.5 meter ladders could fit in SRO van or have it as temp fix as its really need as for every sceen you have to call for LFB and its just putitng LFB at risk
  3. Luka0938

    Suggestion Declined Adding Ladders to SRO cars

    we need ladders really bad we could just get a LFB 9.5 meters ladders script added to the cars
  4. Luka0938

    Declined new command for showing warrant card

    well kind of but it would be nice to have it as /dckieran as we all now that command bc of him
  5. Luka0938

    Declined new command for showing warrant card

    i think that the command /warrant should be changed to /dckieran as a gift to DC Kieran and his entertainments and his popularity on server or ether have it as /e dckieran