Recent content by (RS3) Edwards

  1. (RS3) Edwards

    Suggestion Declined IPP trained officer to use RTPC cars in COLP DLC pack

    Good Evening, I have reviewed your suggestion and discussed it with the rest of the ERT command team; We will unfortunately be declining this suggestion on the basis that it it doesn't fit with how our server runs. These desisions are made outside of police command and are set via SM.
  2. (RS3) Edwards

    Suggestion Declined MET - ERT: Rural VC

    Good Morning, We have reviewed your request and at this time we will be declining this request due to discord limitations.
  3. (RS3) Edwards

    Pending Dev Review MET - ERT: MET - ERT RURAL

    Hello, I am pleased to say that your suggestion has been approved from ERT, I will be forwarding this to the development team
  4. (RS3) Edwards

    Suggestion Declined MET - ERT: Allow people to retain ERT sub-divs

    Good Evening, A discussion has been had between ERT command and SPC, Unfortunately at this time we will be denying this suggestion. Please do not think this decision was taken lightly, All suggestions are given serious thought and please do ensure to post any more you have in the future!
  5. (RS3) Edwards

    Suggestion Accepted MET - ERT: Safer Nights / Night Time Economy

    Good Evening, I am please to let you know that your suggestion has been accepted by the command team. Myself and Billz will be working on this as a joint tasking. There is no timeframe on this but we hope to bring you further news soon! Moving to accepted devisional suggestions
  6. (RS3) Edwards

    Suggestion Declined MET - ERT: Allow people to retain ERT sub-divs

    Hello, Your suggestion has been noted and we will respond shortly with a decision
  7. (RS3) Edwards

    Suggestion Declined MET - ERT: rural motor bike

    Good Evening, We will be sending this to SM for final say
  8. (RS3) Edwards

    Suggestion Declined MET - ERT: rural motor bike

    Good Evening, I have forwarded your request to the rest of the ERT Command team for feedback
  9. (RS3) Edwards

    Suggestion Declined MET - ERT: New Car

    Good Evening, I have discussed this suggestion with ERT Inspectors, And at this time we will be declining this suggestion on the basis that ERT have recently had a new garage. This is not to say that we will not look at this in the future but for the time being it is not possible We thank...
  10. (RS3) Edwards

    Suggestion Declined Police horses

    Good Evening, I have forwarded your request to Inspectors; Your request is quite a tricky one. At the moment, I am not aware of any scripts that would allow a person to ride a horse in GTA, This idea would be far better suited to RDR2. Due to this, I am going to be declining this suggestion...
  11. (RS3) Edwards

    Suggestion Declined MET - ERT: covert uniform

    Good Evening, I have forwarded your suggestion to the ERT inspectors who have decided to decline this request on the basis that it would encroach too much on CID. Whilst I understand the idea behind this, unfortunately ERT are uniform only and there will be no movement on that. We thank you...
  12. (RS3) Edwards

    Pending Dev Review MET - ERT: TSG Evidence Gathering Team uniform

    Good Evening, Good Evening, I have sent this to inspectors who have reviewed and approved your suggestion. I will now be forwarding this to the Dev team. Please note there is no set timeframe for when this might be implemented
  13. (RS3) Edwards

    Suggestion Declined ERT Suggestion (Training days)

    Good Afternoon, I have forwarded your requests to inspectors who have made the decision to decline this request for the moment due to the amount of work it would take to implement. We may look at doing this in the future however at the moment it is not possible Thank you for your suggestion...
  14. (RS3) Edwards

    Suggestion Accepted MET - ERT: TSG Shields

    Good Evening, I have sent this to inspectors who have reviewed and approved your suggestion. I will now be forwarding this to the Dev team. Please note there is no set timeframe for when this might be implemented