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  1. kdn

    Pending Divisional Review DSU: MET:DSU Kit

    Plain and simple, our current kit looks a bit tacky and outdated as opposed to other divisional kits - all dog support officers are restricted to one of three uniforms, where pretty much all officers use the same - short sleeves with the black bog-standard MET vest. It would be greatly...
  2. kdn

    Closed - Acknowledged Access to jackets from vehicles

    On incidents where visibility is vital for your safety and others, all officers should be able to access a hi-visibility jacket from the rear of their vehicle - this would create a diverse mix in uniforms on scenes, as well as improved roleplay where officers can roleplay getting their jackets...
  3. kdn

    Suggestion Declined Modifications to ERT

    With the minimal amount ERT can do in terms of road crime and pursuits, I think it should be allowed that ERT can obtain additional qualifications that'll allow them to partake in further roleplay and events - it's apparent that during pursuits ERT is unable to do anything other than sit by...

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