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  1. Mckenzie

    Declined Fire: LFB Heathrow staions

    Suggestion Title: LFB Heathrow staions Division: Fire i think LFB should have a fire station and Heathrow as a sub division for LFB because NPAS and helimed land there so if they crash their there so they can put out fires
  2. Mckenzie

    Pending /me chat

    So as when do :me in game but people message on normal chat the/me goes as new messages come so I was thinking have a separate pop up chat for /me on screen so we can read it at are own pace
  3. Mckenzie

    Suggestion Declined NHS/LAS: Hart get uniform which has hight rescue equipment on it such as a harness

    Suggestion Title: Hart get uniform which has hight rescue equipment on it such as a harness Division: NHS/LAS Hart get uniform which has hight rescue equipment on it such as a harness so when we RP at hights we can ACT LIKE WE RAPEL DOWN BUILDING MOUNTING etc. File(s) attached
  4. Mckenzie

    Accepted Blood car

    Hi just wondering if you could have a blood car which is after so you can go to life of death scene with a quicker and safer response time
  5. Mckenzie

    Suggestion Declined NHS/LAS: Up to date AP RRV

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