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  1. ch4rles50

    Pending Dev Review MET - AFO: ARV Usage of Firearm Tactics

    Upvote. Many a time pursuing an armed suspect and, if they stop and fire upon an ARV you have to endure what feels like the longest 5 seconds ever exiting the vehicle and pulling up your weapon.
  2. ch4rles50

    Accepted DSU Dog bite civs?

    Afternoon, I'm not sure of it's feasibility but would it be possible for DSU dogs to be able to bite civ players in a similar way to how they bite AI characters? Becoming common that civ players keep running after the dog has been deployed as the dog just runs on their heels. Thanks
  3. ch4rles50

    Declined MET - Callsigns

    Just to push back on this point, I thought I'd made it explicit that you could play around with the exact number of allocations. My example blocks have 20 spare allocations so you could easily up each division to have 20 allocations and this wouldn't be an issue at all - I just left it open for...
  4. ch4rles50

    Declined MET - Callsigns

    I think differentiating TLs/OFCs or particular qualifications (in addition to the command callsigns we already have) with callsign numbers is probably beyond the scope of this original suggestion.
  5. ch4rles50

    Declined MET - Callsigns

    Not necessarily, below is an example of the block allocation you could use: Command 1-10 ERT: CW10-CW29 (19 allocations) CID: SO30-39 (10 allocations) DSU: X40-49 (10 allocations) RTPC: OC50-69 (19 allocations) AFO: FM70-79 (10 allocations + Trojan callsigns) Obviously you could play about...
  6. ch4rles50

    Declined MET - Callsigns

    You make a good point, I suppose my suggestion stems from aviation safety which can get rather comprehensive at times. To further the example: You have two formations of RAF aircraft airborne, say one formation is using the "Triplex11 flight" callsign. Even if "Warlord flight" was airborne...
  7. ch4rles50

    Declined MET - Callsigns

    Whomever it concerns, Over recent days I've noticed that callsigns for DSU and RTPC have changed to use the start from 10 and work your way up. On the whole I think this is a good idea however my suggestion would be stagger the starting point for each of these division so it's easier to...

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