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  1. BenS_2010

    More roundabouts around the map.

    Add more roundabouts around the map so RTPC and anyone on the pursuit can do comms, e.g. RTPC or NPAS or someone waiting for RTPC to come when we get into channel. If you dont know what I mean, this is what I mean. If you watch Police Interceptors or Traffic Cops you will get what I mean, but...
  2. BenS_2010

    Suggestion Declined MET - RTPC: New Vehicles to RTPC Garage

    Yeah mate, sorry forgot, apart from vans and all ERT vehicles, etc.
  3. BenS_2010

    Suggestion Declined MET - RTPC: New Vehicles to RTPC Garage

    Suggestion Title: New Vehicles to RTPC Garage Division: MET - RTPC Heya! I was just thinking. Once, ERT had an audi, why cant RTPC have one? Unmarked and Marked one. RTPC only have a Marked Volvo V90, but not an unmarked, why not add that? And maybe add more Raptor vehicles, I saw a BMW...
  4. BenS_2010

    Declined New Sirns

    The MET sirens are very boring and I want them to be like, very realistic. Like these:
  5. BenS_2010

    Declined Emergency Vehicle Suggestions

    Can you make a realistic bullhorn and a separate key/button on your keyboard or controller so you can blow the bullhorn in case people don't move in an intersection or a junction or even a road and a red light, etc. It would make it so much more realistic. Thanks!

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