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  1. (JS-1) Peanut

    Pending Dev Review LFB: Road closed signs for LFB in cones menu

    could we have the incident/ road closed signs added to the cones menu for LFB? several fire services carry the generic "police Incident" or "Police Road Closed" signs in their vehicles for closing lanes and roads when police are unable to attend.
  2. (JS-1) Peanut

    Pending Dev Review LFB: Vehicle scene lights

    Vehicles like the LFB engines and Heart Vans have the scene floodlights on them. Is there any chance we could make them work? So on the night scene instead of deploying loads of upright prop lights, we could use the 'sunbeams' instead to light an RTC or fire scene.
  3. (JS-1) Peanut

    Accepted Sunday Rural Day

    It's been great seeing a push for RP to happen in the northern half of the map. You get a different style of RP than the city and I personally really enjoy it. I've been on servers in the past that RP in a different area each day throughout the week. Although I think quite executive, I do...
  4. (JS-1) Peanut

    Suggestion Declined Fire: HMCG (Coast Guard Search & Rescue)

    Suggestion Title: HMCG (Coast Guard Search & Rescue) Division: Fire A division of its own, similar to LFB or potentially a sub-dev of LFB. The Division could consist of mounting/ cliff rescue, coastal search and rescue, as well as deep water (ocen) rescues via Partnered RNLI boats or Cost...

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