CAD system

Jan 23, 2021
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Good afternoon!

I've got the idea for officers to have a CAD system created - unfortunately I'm not entirely sure how it would be made but I do know it would be web based.
With the Civ RP stuff changing and making Civ RP more frequent and accessible for people I think a CAD system that's web bases (to allow people to use Shift Tab steam menus to access it) would be a fantastic idea.

There would be two areas of the CAD system. A police side and a civ side.

The Civ trained people would have access to CAD to create their characters profile, for example we'd put our names, DoB's, addresses, registered vehicles etc onto a form, and hit create, this would then make a profile for the officers to see. Additionally we'd have this for vehicles too, make, model, colour, VRM etc. This way we could register vehicles to our names and have a PNC profile for the vehicle and Characters.

The officers could then search our names on the CAD system and actually find us with a full profile. The idea behind this is that should the RP scene lead to a ticket for speeding, the officer dealing could take some time filling in the basics (our character profile to be linked, the postal where it happened, the officer submitting, what they did etc) and then we'd legit be given a ticket, that would stay on our PNC profile for other officers to view when searching our names.

Same goes for our vehicles, it'll show whos insured to drive the vehicle (down to civs to input this into cad same with registering new vehicles) and then if someone borrowed the vehicle and used it for crime, it would show up on the vehicles PNC that it's got previous for weapon crime or something of the sort. This way officers could properly see what the characters have done and we can keep a track on what character has done what.

This would also enable people to have continued RP with each character and over time officers will get to know each person, know how to deal with them etc

Thanks for the suggestion, We are looking at implementing a form of CAD system. Unfortunately at the moment none that are available meet our requirements and this will likely need to be custom made for us. Our team is currently busy on other projects, with no timeframe for this. But we are looking to implement something like this eventually.

cheers, PMP Dev Team