Suggestion Accepted MET - RTPC: Allow Roads Crime Team RAPTOR to deploy bikes.

The suggestion has been accepted. See further details below.


MET Trainer
Jan 7, 2023
Reaction score
Suggestion Title: Allow Roads Crime Team RAPTOR to deploy bikes.

Division: MET - RTPC

Since the suggestions for having off-road capable vehicles introduced into RAPTOR were denied after a discussion between RTPC Command and SPC, I would like to put forward for us to be able to bypass the 4 TPAC needed to deploy a bike due to RAPTOR having no off road capability when pursuit bikes.

Many thanks,
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Adding on, bikes continuously and will / do go into gaps / areas cars simply cannot reach, while our bikes can and are nimble enough to keep up in areas where cars would just loose them. I think it would be brilliant like they do irl having loads of bikes in these teams to just chase them when the cars can't down alleys and so on! Would be greatly beneficial to us 100%
Hello Kube,

At this moment we are currently looking at something similar to this, so for now i am going to accept this suggestion,
I will take this into consideration for the future of bikes working with raptor

Thank you for the suggestion