Suggestion Declined MET - RTPC Make it so you can have people message you statements in S/CIU calls.

The suggestion has been declined. See further details below.

[2397] Sam.B

MET Trainer
Nov 30, 2021
Reaction score
It can be quite stressful trying to get everyone's statement and getting it worded correctly and if you tell them to stop or slow down then they usually change their words and change the statement around. It would be easier and more helpful if we was allowed to get suspects and officers at crash scenes to message us there statements via discord instead of us having to do it verbally with every person.

Currently you aren't allowed to have people message you statements and you must have them say it while you type it out however this is rarely copied across accurately or in full detail and bits are missed were as if they send you the statement then you can't miss any and you can copy paste it exactly and get the details 100% correct instead of miss hearing things or not being able to remember the whole thing.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
This should be a given, let people decide how detailed or in depth they can be.

Massive advocate for this to be implemented.
I feel this should be looked at once again as like you said it will make CIU calls easier as well as hopefully motivate others to attend.

+1 from myself.
As a dyslexic I find having to verbally hear a statement then accurately write it down and quickly being a massive accessibility issue - in turn making me not want to do them due to how unnecessarily hard it is...
Hello Sam.B,

This has been looked at from by the RTPC command team and above, and the conclusion is that the suggestion will be denied. The statement is to be taken through in game chat and on scene like IRL.

Thank you for the suggestion.

RTPC Command Team.