Pending Regarding FNP Discord Pings

The suggestion is Pending for review


Police Constable
Jan 7, 2023
Reaction score
I remember when the FNP Subscriber role was introduced, it made such a difference in the amount of discord pings one would receive regarding Friday Night Patrol because it stopped the common practise of each division pinging the entire division about 3 times each regarding FNP. I feel like this has started to come back unintentionally and is becoming very frustrating at times.

I don't do FNP, maybe attended like 4 in the space of 17 months. However each week I am pinged a couple hours before the night to signup, then pinged for crewings or briefings or whatnot. The FNP is always at the same time every week, crewings always follow after the briefing, and the civ brief is always at the same time. Those who go (and also some of those who don't) will know these times.

If I come back to 7 pings all presumably regarding FNP 1714771060269.png I am not gonna read them all, I'll just scroll tocurrent messages or mark as read. If there was something important then I'd have missed it because having these pings come through like 1 or 2 or even 3 for each division devalues the use of a discord ping as I "just aint reading allat".

TL;DR please please please stop pinging individual divisions for FNP, either utilise the FNP Subscriber tag or just a message will do the same task.
