Some new Uniforms for NPT, 1 or 2 CID


Police Constable
Jun 13, 2021
Reaction score
I think it would be good with the introduction to Uniforms, I know I am new but it just doesn't look realistic in my eyes. I see Response 3 and that just has a big vest that looks like you just made a vest from an airbag and put it on someone, with no shirt or anything, Response 2 has the little Constable 23456 on, but you could just add a little cover for it were it says something like "Constable". I just don't see them as realistic and people may have a different view but I think that some need to be changed, like SCO19 uniforms look real, CID maybe so much not but you can add a green hat (unless already in) and Dog handler vest can have a bit more detail to vest.
Hello thank u for the suggestion! I have spoken to the heads and agreed that uniform changes are not a heavy priority at this moment in time however uniforms can change at any time by the heads of said divisions and are open to suggestions to be sent over to them! And with heads changing here and there anything can happen with uniforms and how its fully run but its something they will look into in the future! But not something they are taking as priority