Declined Vote System For Current Server Weather

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New member
Jan 26, 2024
Reaction score
Manchester United Kingdom
Be a nice concept if players could deicide on what weather conditions could be applied to the server at current time via a voting system. Of course this might be hard to develop. But a lot of players seem to complain about weather.

Just an example but it rained 6 hours straight once while i was playing, yes It's England and we get bad weather, but I just think about the players who can't handle these conditions with their current setups and may or may not leave until the weather changes or permanently.

It would not have to be a vote every 10 minutes, maybe every 3 hours the server get's to vote on what weather to be applied. Of course ruling out conditions like FOG, SNOW, Lightning etc unless voted by a majority or maybe having these conditions available when the server slots aren't full so the server isn't strained or when major incidents need helicopter assistance etc.

Anyway just a thought.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Hello! Thank you for you're suggestion

The weather is designed to match irl as best as possible, As such we have no plans currently to change that.
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