Accepted Website: Introduction of some description of guidance document/s on what divisions can respond to and deal with.

The suggestion has been accepted.

(E1) Xi Jinpooh

Chief Inspector
Jan 31, 2022
Reaction score
Had a thought on how the lesser known areas of divisions often get forgotten when handling calls, and often divisions take on jobs/calls that these sub divisions, specialist units or overall entire other divisions would realistically deal with. This happens on the most part due to a lack of openly available information to players on what divisions specifically deal with.

A generalised document of some sort that displays information on what calls each divisions can deal with would help players to understand more what other divisions that they may not know much about can do. This could be columns showing the scene, and then which division/s can handle that call, or a list with headings of divisions and bullet points of common/less common calls.

I believe this to be a relatively simple way of bringing in more cross divisional work, aswell as ensuring each division gets to take on the responsibilities of dealing with the calls they were designed to handle, keeping the playerbase equally happy server wide.

Please do let me know your thoughts,
Cheers, Jinpooh.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Hey Jinpooh,

I do believe something similar to this exists directly on the PoliceMP website under callouts guide though I think it's something that is heavily outdated and could be expanded upon. Good suggestion, upvoted.

I will review the callouts section. There is a large chunk of the website outdated due to server changes a d development. Slowly but surely, I’m getting around pages 🙂

Will move to accepted based on updates incoming