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  1. Corey6136

    Suggestion Declined NHS Tabards

    I think it would be beneficial for Incident Commander Operational Commanders, Doctors (MERIT, HEMS) Tactical Advisors (HART Trainers) to get access to the reverent tabards. This would be beneficial on mass causalities to identify command and leader roles when on scenes which involve many staff...
  2. Corey6136

    Suggestion Declined MET - AFO: Binoculars

    Suggestion Title: Binoculars Division: MET - AFO We should add binoculars so AFO and CID have a tool to get intel when scouting out areas and doing surveillance, It could be a item in your weapon wheel and act as a scope
  3. Corey6136

    Accepted Notepad

    It would be awesome to have a plain and simple notepad to use in game. This could work like the CAD tablet and could show a animation of a notepad in game. This could be used by all devisions to take notes on scene e.g. NHS: To note age, time of arrival, mechanism of injury, injuries...
  4. Corey6136

    Declined possibly add a HEMS base

    I believe a new HEMS base for both ground and air units would be a great area to add to the game, It would be a great to see the pilots, ccp's and doctors all in the one area when on standby. It would defiantly add a layer of realism to the roles. Suitable areas for HEMS base idea could be...

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