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  1. Echo

    Accepted Bull Horn

    Hi, I think that there should be a bull horn added. This will add a lot of realism, although there is a horn ingame this can only be done whilst having lights and sirens turned off. If it could be added so there is a keybind e.g. now that the Y keybind has been freed up could use that, but so a...
  2. Echo

    Suggestion Declined MET - AFO: AFO helmets

    Suggestion Title: AFO helmets Division: MET - AFO I think that we should bring back the helmet with the headphones on the helmet, up. Possibly by even using a command we are able to switch from the headphones up to down. This again will add to the realism, and looks really nice like that...
  3. Echo

    Suggestion Accepted MET - RTPC: RTPC Helmet visor be able to go up and down

    Suggestion Title: RTPC Helmet visor be able to go up and down Division: MET - RTPC I believe Blood outfit has this but is when they are able to put there visor up and down by doing the commands, /helmetdown and /helmetup, this would also be good to add to the ability of the RTPC bike...
  4. Echo

    Suggestion Declined NHS/LAS: Hems/Paramedic equipment

    Suggestion Title: Hems/Paramedic equipment Division: NHS/LAS That HEMS and Paramedics should be able to get BELS on our backs from the back of our vehicle by doing /Bels like AFO do atm, as this makes it much more realstic and better.
  5. Echo

    Suggestion Declined MET - RTPC: RTPC Bike suggestion

    Suggestion Title: RTPC Bike suggestion Division: MET - RTPC I think that linking to real life RTPC bikes should have a different siren or tone to cars, like the sirens they have irl. Have a video that shows this if needed can show link.
  6. Echo

    Suggestion Declined Civilian spawn area

    Hello, recently have thought about it possibly being a good idea for Civs to have the ability to fix their vehicles at all spawning points for Civ. It just helps as is quicker than driving all the way to a gas station. Echo

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