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  1. legoboy

    Suggestion Declined Aux - NPAS: Drone Uniforms

    I think it would be a very good add to poilicemp as in real life they would wear this I would recommend this.
  2. legoboy

    Suggestion Declined AFO

    Yes but in real life you would have more than just 60 AFO max they would have at least 70 to 75 because they have to patrol L ondon so it would be realistic
  3. legoboy

    Suggestion Declined AFO

    Hello now I know a lot of people know I love AFO but with there only being 60 allowed in the division i think they should up it to 70 or 65 because there has not been that much AFO on and i know if they did this there would be a lot of people that want to apply for this there fore you will have...
  4. legoboy

    Declined Sniper suggestion

    So I was thinking that maybe the AFO snipers could have thermal so that they can see people better in the dark and that the CIV snipers should have a little blinking thing so that AFO SRO can see them and tell the AFO team and they can inform them or you can do this to all snipers but SRO is all...
  5. legoboy

    Accepted Downing street

    Now i was passing by 699 where downing street is but it was gone and i was sad about that and a lot of other people were as well so i was thinking you could put it back in game or give it an update so thet AFO and PADP and other division can do rps there again and it would be very fun to have it...
  6. legoboy

    Suggestion Declined MET - AFO: NEW AFO SUB DIVISION

    now i am not in AFO yet but i was thinking today and i thought of ARB=armed response bikes. now this sub division will be just like AFO but on bikes and they will attend the same calls but they will be faster and they can also help with RTPC on escorts if they are armed escorts so involve AFO...
  7. legoboy

    Suggestion Accepted MET - DSU: DSU key bind

    You could make a key bind for DSU like there is a button on the dog menu which says search car so the dog can smell the car to see if there is any think like in real life they park when they find something.

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