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  1. (FS2) Galactic

    Suggestion Declined MET - AFO: AFO bulk vehicle suggestion.

    Suggestion Title: AFO bulk vehicle suggestion. Division: MET - AFO Going off of the multiple vehicle suggestions we have seen throughout the history of AFO, this suggestion is including some of the ones we think would be suitable from a command team to be added for all AFO to use. The...
  2. (DS5) Blimpus

    Declined CID Vehicles

    Hey all I'm a CID Sergeant and me and some of the other command team have been looking at of cars for Cid to have, CID cars don't have interior except some and I think we are in dire need of new cars. Ill put some suggestions in below
  3. (9796) MylesPMP

    Declined Satnav

    I believe there should be a satnav. This would be serverwide and would further assist in transport and what not. For example. When "G" (G is just an example doesnt have to be G) is pressed a satnav menu would open up and would have a list of things. 1. Nearest PD 2. Nearest Petrol station 3...
  4. brentcrouch

    Declined Police Horse and Retro Police Cars

    We currently have all these cars and some of them are able to drive off road, which is great, but what about have a unit that that can ride a horse - I don't know if this can be done, maybe it's too much? Also, when you are doing crowd control, the police use horses. I was going to ask about...

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