access to TSG equipment


New member
Nov 3, 2021
Reaction score
It might be a little better if only people with the tsg role can have access to the tsg outfits and vehicles. I've recently seen some people just go around patrolling in tsg vans when arent really trained for it.
It might be a little better if only people with the tsg role can have access to the tsg outfits and vehicles. I've recently seen some people just go around patrolling in tsg vans when arent really trained for it.

I've said a similar thing and I must confess it appears I've been unwittingly guilty at times. My understanding was the vehicles are marked as such ie they say TSG at the end or in the case of some other vehicles specify dog unit as an example. The Sprinter vans don't specify so I thought they were fine to use as a normal PC. I'm pretty sure in real life I’ve seen non TSG officers use those vans which reinforced what I thought. I only became aware of this when someone else entirely asked in the discord and I saw the answers.
During PC training, everyone is told *NOT* to use TSG equipment, and TSG vans unless they have been trained as TSG. Anyone seeing this must report it to a moderator. Those who failed to heed these warnings, should be subjected to retraining.
It might be a little better if only people with the tsg role can have access to the tsg outfits and vehicles. I've recently seen some people just go around patrolling in tsg vans when arent really trained for it.

Hey Adrian,

Thanks for your suggestion.

Reviewing this further, we will restrict the use of TSG equipment to TSG only role, therefore I'll move this to ACCEPTED.
