Closed - Acknowledged Allow camera movement when in dead state

This status contains valuable community suggestions that have been acknowledged by the Development Team. While these ideas are not scheduled for immediate implementation, they are recognized for their potential and may be considered in future development plans.

(CR2) Keiron

Assistant Head of Civ
Apr 18, 2023
Reaction score
Currently, when in the proper dead state, camera controls are disabled, quite often in a strange/disorientating angle.

This leads to people reviving to then go into an emote, to solve this issue, but the process of doing that is somewhat immersion breaking, also the position that bodies fall is often much more realistic looking than the emotes.

I feel that this change would also greatly decrease the amount of times mods are pestered for a TX revive to RP injuries, as this again is probably the reason for that.

- A little add-on too, to further help, if the basket was able to pick up someone in the dead state, that would be helpful too!
Hello @Keiron ,

Thank you for your suggestion regarding camera controls whilst dead. We truly appreciate the time and thought you've put into this idea.

We've updated the status of your suggestion to "Closed - Acknowledged." This means that while your idea holds merit and may be considered for future development, we're not planning to implement it immediately due to current priorities.

Your contribution is valuable, and we'll keep your suggestion on file for potential inclusion in our future planning.

Best regards,