Suggestion Accepted Aux - Civ Roleplay: Keybind for certain emotes

The suggestion has been accepted. See further details below.

(E1) Xi Jinpooh

Chief Inspector
Jan 31, 2022
Reaction score
Suggestion Title: Keybind for certain emotes

Division: Aux - Civ Roleplay

Hello, I'd like to suggest the addition of key binds for emotes such as /e surrender and /e handsup. This would benefit Civ and the rest of the server as it allows a smooth appearance on many scenes rather than having sometimes up to 10 seconds of standing typing in the command for these emotes. A key bind for /ragdoll would also be beneficial to maintain a smooth line appearance on scenes.

Thanks, Jinpooh
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Greetings Xi Jinpooh 👋

This is a little bit of a sticky one from me. Yes as Leeuwin rightly so said, it is possible to use the F8 menu to assign keybinds to emotes. However if done incorrectly it could cause a bit of an issue, not only that but there is no indication that you have done it incorrectly unless you can see your results (which wouldn't be possible) you would furthermore then need to unbind this key but again you wouldn't know your results unless you can see the console (which again wouldn't be possible).

My advice is to use a streamdeck, or another 3rd party software to setup keybinds / hotkeys to certain actions. I'm sure there would be free ones available somewhere. I will leave this open whilst I review the possibility of setting up keybinds via F8

Many thanks,
Greetings Xi Jinpooh!

I have created a video myself showing the simply way to bind emotes through the F8 menu please see here:

If you unbind a key without specifying which one it will remove ALL keybinds so do bare that in mind. Also do bare in mind if the bind command is typed in incorrectly so when you press the key and it doesn't seem to do anything, it will appear in tx logs so if an admin comes over to speak to you I'd recommend unbinding the keybind and trying again.

In simple terms follow the steps on the video and you should be fine

If you do any of these steps incorrectly I do not take any responsibility for the consequences

Also moving to accepted since this is already a thing in game