Suggestion Accepted Aux - NPAS: Changes to Heathrow entry and exit flight paths

The suggestion has been accepted. See further details below.

(E1) Xi Jinpooh

Chief Inspector
Jan 31, 2022
Reaction score
Suggestion Title: Changes to Heathrow entry and exit flight paths

Division: Aux - NPAS

I have attempted to attach an image detailing where these new flight paths would be. This requires no dev work and can all be done in house for flight ops. Using these paths would reduce take off times meaning NPAS or helimed can be lifted in almost half the time it can currently. The entry paths will also provide a more streamlined and accessible way to land as there are 2 options, both of which give time for the copter to slow down and prepare to turn, whilst also allowing for entry from either side of the airport.

Side note: If the picture fails to upload, which I fear it will, DM me and I can send it direct
Thanks, Jinpooh :)
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
We can look into this. Accepted.