Pending Dev Review Aux - NPAS: Pingable Helimed role for callouts from HEMS

The suggestion is awaiting dev review.

(E1) Xi Jinpooh

Chief Inspector
Jan 31, 2022
Reaction score
Suggestion Title: Pingable Helimed role for callouts from HEMS

Division: Aux - NPAS

Hello, my suggestion is a role that can be pinged much like how comms tickets can be when NPAS needs to be lifted. Something short to not clog up a user's roles.

The role will be issued to anyone helimed trained and will act as a way for HEMS to get a helimed lifted if none are actively out which is very often.

There have been many times I open the #request-a-pilot chat to see a request hours ago that I could have attended had I seen it at the time thanks to a simple ping. Due to the lack of permissions for a ping from HEMS to flight ops, this wasn't able to happen and the scene went without a helicopter, having a detrimental impact on the scene's quality and potentially limiting a flight ops member's deployability.

I understand there will be concerns over the number of pings. Still, ultimately the benefit would outweigh the setbacks as this allows for more deployment for helimed and overall a better RP for all parties. A potential workaround for those who may not with to receive these pings is to have an opt in system by which either it can be manually requested from a flight captain+ or a react role much like the ones found in #role-assignment that lets players with access to the request a pilot chat take on the role automatically.

Hopefully this can be looked into, if not I can understand the reasons why.

Cheers, Jinpooh.
Upvote 4
I think this sounds like a good suggestion, but I do agree that it should be an opt-in feature. I believe the fastest and best option would be to have it as a reaction role in the #request-a-pilot channel to make it easier for pilots to opt in and out.

I will APPROVE this suggestion and move it to dev pending.