Declined Chat Ping

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Developer - Tier 2
Mar 25, 2023
Reaction score
I sometimes try to ask some unit in chat about something, and I find it sometimes super hard to get their attention, as most people don't pay attention to chat most of the time.

My suggestion is to have it so when someone's either name or callsign is mentioned in chat:
- "Alon can you make st5 to me please"
- "NC 51 which postal is that again sorry?")

a little ping sound would be heard by the mentioned unit (like a short little beep), to get its attention to chat.
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Also maybe mentioned like with an @ prefix for names, for example @Alon and then it would be % to callsigns e.g. %NC 51.

- "@Alon can you make st5 to me please"
- "%NC 51 which postal is that again sorry?"
Would be a great addition and could imagine it shouldnt be too hard to implement with the amazing devs we have
Also maybe mentioned like with an @ prefix for names, for example @Alon and then it would be % to callsigns e.g. %NC 51.

- "@Alon can you make st5 to me please"
- "%NC 51 which postal is that again sorry?"
I prefer this actual pinging system. Some spam mitigation might be needed but it’s a great proposition.
Appreciate the good feedback 😃
I really hope this gets implemented.
I personally dont see much of a need for this? I dont see much of a struggle to get someones attention via chat or radio, and if its really urgent for something say as mod or supervisor it can be taken out of game via a ticket anyways, In terms of standard players i could see this being abused and something extra needed to moderate, Not saying its useless i like the idea just i dont think its something really needed, Moved to declined
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