Accepted Discord additions

The suggestion has been accepted.

(FS5) Steve21

Aug 17, 2022
Reaction score
Good morning,

as the number of streamers seams to be increasing in pmp and currently the only channel they can post a link to their pmp stream is the media tab, would it be possible to have a channel solely for stream advertising that way the media channel is not being clogged up?

also we have recently-ish had gaming channels added to the discord server, would it be possible to allow the person who created the channel to change the name? or have a button to click that puts a red dot in the channel name? this would indicate that the person or persons in the channel are streaming.

thank you for taking the time to read this,
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Could be worth having a channel with a 24 hour slowmode of self promoting a twitch stream so long as it is PMP related 🤷‍♂️
That way it stops people using media and wouldn't let people abuse it by posting their stream every single time.
Would also reinforce more consistent stream times if they knew they could only showcase they are streaming once a day :)

I believe discord has a streamer mode in which your status turns to purple (so long as your discord and twitch are linked) to show you are streaming :D
Good evening

Thanks for your suggestion. I do like the idea of this slow mode channel where you can only post your streams. I will speak with @Intrise about this.

I will move this to suggestion accepted, but pending approval from Seniors.

Although i have accepted, it will be down to senior management, so this could move to declined should the need arise