Divisional Applications


Developer - Tier 3
Jan 10, 2021
Reaction score
From what I've noticed over my many months on Police MP, is that during the daytime when most people are working, the majority of those who are online are all Response. And unfortunately, they may stay response for weeks because no applications are open, because all the divisions are full by people who can only play in the evenings.

My suggestion to change this would be to have applications open permanently. That means that once their week probation is up, they can apply for any division then and there, and the divisional heads respond to the applications on a case-by-case basis. This could be done in batches, such as all of them read at the end of a week, or whenever said head of division decides to check.
This would mean that all PC's who are waiting for a division they desire to open could have the opportunity to join it at the earliest possible convenience to them. Whether they get accepted or denied would be down to the person reviewing their application.

In theory, this could also levitate some pressure on trainers in the aspect of they would have a more spread-out training scheme for newcomers to divisions as opposed to attempting to organise around 15 odd people into smaller groups. Some divisions have trainers that don't do much at all, however end up with packed schedules at the end of a recruitment cycle.

If anyone has any opinions or ideas to expand on this I'd love to hear your thoughts, either by leaving a comment on the thread or messaging me on discord.
Hi Prophet,

Thanks for this suggestion, I like the idea however I understand that there are changes to the recruitment process underway so for that reason I will move this to the declined area.