Pending Divisional Review Fire: LFB/FRU - FRU Garage

The suggestion is awaiting divisional review.


MET Trainer
Apr 29, 2023
Reaction score
Suggestion Title: LFB/FRU - FRU Garage

Division: Fire


So this is one that hit my mind recently and I think it could be useful. The FRU garage can only be accessed by Whitechapel Fire Station with it obviously being the HQ for FRU. However, with calls having a good chance of being up near Paleto or Grapeseed sometimes it wastes a lot of time. Yes it's obviously meant to take some time but I feel that some people get bored in that time and decide to jump the gun and deal with the extractions etc and by the time we get there we aren't even needed.

I doubt this will be accepted but it's just something I feel like could help FRU in general. I think the FRU locker can be accessed from any station which is a good thing but maybe the Garage from one other station in the northern part of the map could be helpful.

Thank you