Suggestion Accepted Fire: LFB "Training nights"

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(JO-3) TheAshenCaptain

Station Officer
Sep 26, 2022
Reaction score
Suggestion Title: LFB "Training nights"

Division: Fire

In real life fire services do training nights for their services. These range from RTC recreations to HAZMAT and structural fires. I believe it would be beneficial to offer these in game working alongside civ, and HART / LAS.

- Why do it, why not just use actual scenes?

On actual scenes if there is something that needs correcting it will often go un-noticed or it will lead to having an education / strike if its more severe. This is why specialist training nights would be of benefit, a situation where it is enclosed meaning if something was to go wrong, or needing corrections. It would be a time where command for each division to bring points up.

- What would the nights entail

Depending on the incident that is happening the event could be structured like something below

- Pre session brief, whats gonna be covered, small PPT covering key ideas
- Session: Mock up scenes where specific sections can be RP'd out without having to follow it all through. EG decontamination / handling of HAZMAT materials.
- Post Session breakdown

This would allow for divisions to break down scenes ECT and also look at what needs bringing up.

Any questions or concerns I am happy to awnser them in DM's, chats or on forum.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Hello Ashen,

Ill be moving this suggestion into Accepted. It is being arranged with LFB command. :)
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