Suggestion Accepted MET - AFO: AFO Tactical Medic

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npc eraser

New member
Dec 13, 2022
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West Yorkshire
Suggestion Title: AFO Tactical Medic

Division: MET - AFO

I have seen some tactical medic uniforms being worn by Kian, however, this is not the inspiration for my idea, it is that I've just finished a scene with a lot of AFO Being wounded by attackers, this got me thinking why not add something like a tactical medic? In real life, they do have them and their sole purpose should be treating injured officers who have been shot when they have been extracted from the building or the immediate danger area. Having medical equipment on them such as medical pouches with carry vital medical equipment can make treating officers fast and efficient.

I believe this could provide some good RP And help treat officers who are downed on scenes more efficiently and also give a higher chance of saving a person's life the sooner a patient is treated the better the recovery, I also believe adding this would also give another role to AFO And would be beneficial, I am unsure of limitations when it comes to this such as being able to carry as an MP5 As a primary weapon but I'll leave that to command to decide.
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This is what FRA Trained Officers are for, They the ability to provide that initial Response, wither it be during a Shots fired Scene or directly after, with all the necessary kit to keep a person alive until further medical assistance can be provided by LAS/HEMS.
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