Pending Dev Review MET - AFO: ARV Usage of Firearm Tactics

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(OFC) Harry

MET Trainer
Oct 25, 2022
Reaction score
London, England.
Suggestion Title: ARV Usage of Firearm Tactics

Division: MET - AFO

Hey! Would it possibly go get the ability of having AFO be able to ‘point’ there firearm out the window? It would be very beneficial during Hard Stops, TPAC’s and more.

This is used commonly in the MET police and is used as an intimidation tactic as well as providing a lot of hard cover. I understand this privilege has been removed, but would be VERY beneficial
Upvote 6

Many a time pursuing an armed suspect and, if they stop and fire upon an ARV you have to endure what feels like the longest 5 seconds ever exiting the vehicle and pulling up your weapon.
Adding onto that ^ if your a passenger, sometimes you can’t get out the ARV and have to switch seats after the driver gets out, this could be the difference between life or death
I like this idea, as especially with civs it’s always /me waves gun out the window. If it became possible for both Civs and AFO to aim out the windows it would increase immersion and decrease text roleplay on the server.
Especially when striking on firearms Intel, adds to the overwhelm factor that is crucial when dealing with lethal weapons in the hands of criminals.
Hi Harry.

Thank you for your suggestion.

I will push this to dev review for them to see.

FS2 Gart
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