Pending Dev Review MET - AFO: CS Gas (Tear gas) for AFO officers.

The suggestion is awaiting dev review.

(OFC) Dan Thomas

MET Trainer
Sep 29, 2021
Reaction score
Suggestion Title: CS Gas (Tear gas) for AFO officers.

Division: MET - CID

I think AFO officers should have access to the GTA online CS gas, I believe this would be a vital asset for officers to have another opportunity of a non lethal force.
Take a person in a building with a firearm for example, if we have found that there's not 100% another way out take a flat for example instead if rushing in and putting officers at risk of injury we could put some gas in to push the suspect out of the building.

I think it would unlock more opportunities for non lethal force to be used and to be more realistic.

Upvote 3
(note - edited name of post to MET - AFO instead of MET - CID. Detectives will not be getting tear gas.)
Hello @(OFC) Dan Thomas, I think that this would be a good edition to AFO as we are always encouraging Non-Lethal options. We have reviewed this as a command team and as such will ACCEPT this suggestion and will get it moved over to Pending dev for there review on it.

AFO Command