Suggestion Accepted MET - ERT: ARO - Drivers Ticket

The suggestion has been accepted. See further details below.

(RS5) Adam E.

Apr 13, 2022
Reaction score
Suggestion Title: ERT - ARO

Division: MET - ERT

Give ARO the opportunity to get Advanced Driver Tickets, to give us a better chance of being attached to pursuits.

At the minute the chance of being requested is slim, this would be a solution to increase that chance

This wouldn't allow us to perform any contact manoeuvres and we would still be the bottom of the chain in terms of being requested and almost always be nearer the back of the pursuit so there would be minimal risk, however would allow us to follow with the intention of spikes / traffic control at conclusion of pursuit etc.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Hello Adam,

Thank you for your suggestion. This is something that is being looked at by SPC and we will update you in the near future on the outcome
Hello, ARO has undergone changes very recently to allow them to perform extra tactics. On this basis, I will accept this suggestion. Please see the ERT announcement for details.

Senior Police Command