Suggestion Declined MET - ERT: Revamp the ERT SLP Road Management

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New member
Dec 23, 2022
Reaction score
In this SLP, it doesn't state anything about blocking a road off at the nearest junction, and it bothers me that newcomers see even people in divisions such as RTPC blocking roads off at the scenes start and end. If we give an example for something like a fire, the traffic has got to be pushed back, there was one time I attended a methane and the traffic was engulfed in smoke due to how close ERT had stopped the road. This is a valuable and useful thing to know, yes it can be a pain if your in the middle of nowhere and you have no junctions around however it's realistic and it needs to get brought up.

Moved to divisional suggestions. ~Joshia
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The problem is, if you go to far from the scene vehicles will spawn inside the closures, that has to be considered too.
Hey nofts,

Thank you for your suggestion. After reviewing this suggestion ERT Command have decided to decline it. This is due to GTA physics and how AIs spawn inside road closures, ultimately deeming them useless.

I understand where you are coming from but if you are on a scene and the road closure is too close to the main action, you can request ERT to move their Road Closures further away from danger.

Thank you for your suggestion, however this is going to be moved to Declined