Suggestion Declined MET - ERT: rural crimes team

The suggestion has been declined. See further details below.


NHS Trainer
Jun 6, 2023
Reaction score
Suggestion Title: rural crimes team

Division: MET - ERT

hi there !
as you well know if your in TSG (RI1) HARROD has added new serial commanders to TSG , this is new , so i had a really good think to myself and thought ......... what if trainers only a selected few got to auth of-road off-road in rural ,as you well know a SGT + cant always be avalilbe for RURAL CRIMES TEAM to auth going up mount joshia for example so as per above i think it would be a good idea to have a selected amout of trainers or even rural trained officers (only a selected few mind) to be able to auth off - road for rural :)

This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Suggestion Title: rural crimes team

Division: MET - ERT

hi there !
as you well know if your in TSG (RI1) HARROD has added new serial commanders to TSG , this is new , so i had a really good think to myself and thought ......... what if trainers only a selected few got to auth of-road off-road in rural ,as you well know a SGT + cant always be avalilbe for RURAL CRIMES TEAM to auth going up mount joshia for example so as per above i think it would be a good idea to have a selected amout of trainers or even rural trained officers (only a selected few mind) to be able to auth off - road for rural :)

I Get where your coming from.

With Authing going up mountains, unfortunately that Is no longer a Authed thing, This has come from SM, Going up a mountain is a no go, and this is accross all divisions.
I don’t agree with this purely because it would go out of servers policy:

Regarding Band 1 having no formal command authority, and by allowing trainers to auth things in game it would go against that in my opinion.

Plus, control can auth off road and their presence has been very very common recently which has been great!

edit: I didnt realise how big the picture was, I pasted it in on mobile :|
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not saying we do have any command authority but i think it be a good idea
So the reason it was added into TSG was due to the increase in numbers and in scenes. And the fact us sgts aren't always available for scenes. They don't have any command auth. They can't auth anything special, all they can do is lead a Serial. What you are requesting is the ability to auth off road. Something that is left to sgts.
Hello Hoorie, as mentioned above by Geordie, things like off road auth do have to be sgt+ as per the server rules. Serial command is something that does not need auth but instead is there to guide others in the right direction. I will be declining this suggestion.