Suggestion Declined MET - RTPC: ANPR System

The suggestion has been declined. See further details below.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
We already have a channel that captures people speeding and displays it to civs and control, plus we have an ANPR system for people inside vehicles which works well. The only problem with that is the fact that many of the recourses use C# for coding whereas that video uses LUA, this may complicate things if anything breaks. In my opinion, control should utilise the camera system we already have in-game more often to improve roleplays
Suggestion Title: ANPR System

Division: MET - RTPC

Adding a new/better ANPR system to allow better RP that is more realistic.

Hello Callum,

Thank you for your suggestion.

I will be moving this suggestion to Pending Dev Review.

Thank you.

Thanks for your suggestion.

Our current script is in-house. At this stage we have no plans for exchanging it to a 3rd party script.
