Pending Dev Review MET - RTPC: Commercial Enforcement Proposal

The suggestion is awaiting dev review.

(OS2) Jakub0408

Police Constable
Mar 6, 2021
Reaction score
Czech Republic
Suggestion Title: Commercial Enforcement Proposal

Division: MET - RTPC

Hello all, one day I was trying to fall asleep and this idea popped into my head.

As we all know, Commercial Enforcement is heavily civ dependent. 95% of the stuff that commercial enforcement does/enforces, has to be supported by a civ trained player. The last 5% are the regular stuff such as checking the driving licenses, seeing vehicle for any visible defects (due to GTA V mechanics only popped tires, windows or major damage), however things like checking the tyre thread, weight of the whole truck, tachograph of the HGV drivers, checking the interior for visible obstructions or seeing the proper paperwork is roleplay dependant.

There is also no proper education given to the civilians, who would be willing to do this RP, meaning they have to research the correct/incorrect numbers for each inspection, the scene requires a lot of preparation and is done only via chat using /me, instead of an actual interaction.

As I am not a developer, I do not know what the options are within FiveM or GTA V. My idea was to bring a few custom commands into the server, that would allow CE Trained Constables to carry out CE duties with AI’s, without being civ-dependent.

This would mean adding few commands, that would randomly generate either faulty or non-faulty numbers or informations (like tyre thread, tachograph, visible damage on tyres, paperwork for the cargo etc...) and based on that, the CE officer can fill out the proper forms, without having to make up numbers and decide whether or not the vehicle is suitable for roads use.

Commands could be something like:


Those numbers would be randomly generated, based on the pre-set values and they could also be customizable by a civ, if that is possible.

Obviously I did not list out all the commands, if this gets passed through, I am willing to make a whole list of things that the officer would be able to check. It can be either commands in chat, or via the vehicle interaction in game, as I said, I do not know what the options are.

Let me also add, that DVSA can utilize this as well during their inspections.

I’d be happy to hear any feedback and I will be leaving this post open until OT1 reads it. Thank you!
Upvote 3
I am a nobody, but really like this since I did enjoy commercial enforcement when I was CE trained, and will be again very soon ;) Really nice idea, +1
To add onto this, when pressing e on someone to interact you get a box that can say you notice about them such as red eyes or hit with a vehicle.

If we could get a passive observation window such as "not wearing a seatbelt" or "driver is using a mobile phone" these things that regular police could pick up on obviously not just RTPC
Believe this could be very beneficial and a great enhancement to RP. Especially to something such as commercial enforcement which could be used much, much more