Suggestion Declined MET - RTPC: How many vehicles on a FTS

  • Thread starter Deleted member 5106
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The suggestion has been declined. See further details below.

Deleted member 5106

Suggestion Title: How many vehicles on a FTS

Division: MET - RTPC

I believe the RTPC vehicle limit should be increased from 4 to 5 on a pursuit if necessary.

The fifth vehicle could act as a "safety" car like what the IPP drivers do, but can be there an rtpc driver if the speed is too high or pursuit risk is high meaning dsu can't keep up and IPP have to drop off. Just a thought.
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I agree, also the 5th could be attached but not be directly behind the pursuit and instead be planning stinger locations. I think a safety car should deffo be considered when doing boxes on motorways like they do irl.
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I think policeMP used to allow more than 4 rtpc per pursuit before but I may be wrong. IRL they will perform their tactics, with a vehicle in front of the tactic(rare) to make sure the target vehicle can't get past and other traffic doesn't slow and interfere and they will typically have one behind as a safety vehicle to ensure no one is getting in the middle of said tactics and to ensure the area is safe for all units. In the situation of IPP not being able to be on pursuit or dsu can't keep up, 5 RTPC cars would be absolutely fantastic to ensure the safest means of getting a pursuit concluded.
Not sure where it was announced, however as far as I am aware, you are able to have more than 4 vehicles on a pursuit. However the 5th+ vehicle has to try and find a suitable stinger location and is not allowed to join the pursuit "convoy". So any RTPC Advanced/TPAC can join in stinger capacity. For the IPP stuff, from my personal opinion, I would prefer to keep this job to ERT, or generally IPP drivers, as it makes IPP even more interesting and enjoyable for them.

The overall limit is put in place primarily to prevent all units from responding to 1 FTS and then causing a chaos and increases the risks of POLAC, communication issues and much more.