Suggestion Declined MET - RTPC: RTPC: Changes to Tactical Contact

The suggestion has been declined. See further details below.


Dec 15, 2021
Reaction score
Suggestion Title: RTPC: Changes to Tactical Contact

Division: MET - RTPC

So have you ever been in the situation where a pursuit is getting abit heated and you're reaching the point where you want to do abit of tactical contact however can't because there isn't an RTPC sgt available and control won't authorise it. I feel like I'm one of many people that have this frustration.

To fix this what I suggest is something similar to how AFO does it's vehicle vs pedestrian contact.

Make a thread and then everytime you perform tactical contact you must post in the threat
:What happened
:Image/ Injuries
: Video proof is available

Something like this would mirror real time instead of fumbling around waiting to ask control or search for am RTPC Sgt
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Like this idea, COULD be helpful but can easily be abused if theres no video proof and you just extend the truth on all the responses a bit. Liked but neither +1 or -1 since it can be mis-used - like the idea though
Realistically you do not need a separate authorisation for tactical contact
I like this idea, wish I brought this up when I was in the Command Team. Also, I think Tactical Contact should be done at slower speeds for sure. Hitting somebody at 100mph will probably kill them or leave them with severe injuries realistically. Below speeds of 50mph for sure.
Suggestion Title: RTPC: Changes to Tactical Contact

Division: MET - RTPC

So have you ever been in the situation where a pursuit is getting abit heated and you're reaching the point where you want to do abit of tactical contact however can't because there isn't an RTPC sgt available and control won't authorise it. I feel like I'm one of many people that have this frustration.

To fix this what I suggest is something similar to how AFO does it's vehicle vs pedestrian contact.

Make a thread and then everytime you perform tactical contact you must post in the threat
:What happened
:Image/ Injuries
: Video proof is available

Something like this would mirror real time instead of fumbling around waiting to ask control or search for am RTPC Sgt
Hi Top_Guy,

Self authorizing exists so if there is none on, which is a rarity at the minute you are able to simply self authorise.
Your suggestion of it no longer going through the appropriate channels would more than likely lead to abuse and people lying about all those factors you mentioned above. This won't be changing.

Many thanks,