Suggestion Declined MET - RTPC: RTPC New vehicles

The suggestion has been declined. See further details below.

(OS6) Larry B

Jun 30, 2022
Reaction score
Suggestion Title: RTPC New vehicles

Division: MET - RTPC

I understand that we've jus had the new fleet however myself and other members think that the Facelift G31s and the 20 Plate unmarked G31 feel a little slow on the acceleration side. Is there a chance we could get a small speed increase as they struggle to keep up with vehicles.

The top speed of theese vehicles also needs a raise, They hardly break 110 currently and are highly unstable and fluctuate at that point.

Many thanks
Larry B
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Hi @(PC 5237) Larry B 🖍️

"They hardly break 110 currently and are highly unstable and fluctuate at that point."

I'm not sure if you hold a driving license, although from experience when travelling at 110mph cars are usually unstable. If you try slap a full brake on at 110mph or do something evasive fully expect to have a meeting with a central reservation.

I have personally checked the cars mentioned above and cannot fault any issues with them. At present I'm going to decline the suggestion as I dont beleive a issue exists.

Cheers, forbs