The suggestion has been declined.


Feb 12, 2022
Reaction score
Suggestion Title: RTPC TPAC

Division: MET - RTPC

there’s different variations of doing a box, but this is an effective method to use if the suspect is on the motorway, all box's are the same just delivered differently, whether its 2 vehicle or 3 vehicle box your goal is to contain the suspect into a safe stop

the following videos contain what I believe RTPC should implement when a vehicle is fleeing on the motorway or in general (mostly used/utilised on the motorway)

I feel like if we introduced these type of TPAC methods to RTPC it would give us a wider range of tactics we would be able to use and would ultimately allow us to bring pursuits to a stop in a more controlled and safe manner.

I hope this gets taken into consideration 👍
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What is different about this to what we already do in RTPC?
With the boxes shown in the video, currently we only say that the primary unit is to take the front of the video how in real life (as shown in the videos) they often use different tactics within TPAC
I see, so you are suggesting the primary unit can take another position. Other than front.
Hello, yes this can be done but again it would down to the choice of the primary unit. IRL they would use the oldest car to preform tac contact but again it works, the car is stopped and saves realistically pointless work changing training slides, i will mention it to RTPC command but itll be down to them if they want to implement it, i will decline this for the above reasons but you may see it later on in time