Suggestion Declined Modifications to ERT

The suggestion has been declined. See further details below.


Police Constable
Apr 9, 2024
Reaction score
With the minimal amount ERT can do in terms of road crime and pursuits, I think it should be allowed that ERT can obtain additional qualifications that'll allow them to partake in further roleplay and events - it's apparent that during pursuits ERT is unable to do anything other than sit by, wait for the decamp and then make way if the offender is running on foot, otherwise, you can't do much.

To combat this, I think we should have some qualifications added that will allow regular officers to:

- gain different types of licenses (standard, advanced, etc)
- gain access to HOSTYDs (spike strips)
- take part in pursuits

I am aware that ARO's can take part in pursuits, though that is a very limited number of people and takes the opportunity away from others - ERT should have at least some form of qualification that is open to more people as opposed to a select few so we can expand on the division and create a unique experience.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.

Thank you for your suggestion. ARO has been implemented for a fair while now and allows ERT members to drive faster, engage and authorise pursuits, deploy spikes and conduct boxes from the rear position.

unfortunately there are no plans to further change ERTs driver level or allow them to do more. My best advice would be to apply for RTPC when it opens

Many thanks

(C1) Kior12