Suggestion Declined NHS/LAS: HEMS - Prealerts

The suggestion has been declined. See further details below.

(FS4) Steve21

Aug 17, 2022
Reaction score
Suggestion Title: HEMS - Prealerts

Division: NHS/LAS

might be an unpopular opinion, but could i suggest we dont do "pre-alerts" over the radio - it doesnt effect anyone, its pointless to do and its not urgent comms, could easily be done in green text in chat 🙂

while i understand that it adds to rp, A pre alert does not give anyone any important information and it holds up comms, we are pushing more and more to have non urgent comms not clogging up the radio and a pre-alert is just that its non urgent comms, doing it in cad notes or over text chat does not change the rp value in anyway.

if we had a hospital staff awaiting patient then that might be different but its just not necessary to be done over main comms channels.

also considering its not something we are taught and something people have just adopted it needs to be done in the least impactful way to other people on the server.

just trying to make the comms more fluid and not trying to cause any issues as im hems myself.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I somewhat agree with this. I get that it doesn't really add anything at the end of the day, but it's part of the role play aspect.

What I would suggest, is if there's multiple channels available, it can be said over radio. If there's only one channel, it could be said over text chat.

That way, we kinda get the best of both worlds, and we aren't clogging up the main channel that everyone would be using
So ultimately the idea is to promote realism. PoliceMP strives to be a semi-realistic roleplay server. Some aspects won't be realistic, some will. Some will also be pointless, some won't be. Pre-alert dives into doing a simple handover to a major trauma centre prior to arrival by air. It's not an urgent comm and has only been done when the radio is clear.

It's a matter of balancing and I don't think fully removing this would be the answer to a function that has been working without complaint for 5 months. Perhaps allowing different channel uses / text channel when comms are busy is an alternative. I'll leave this in the hands of the HEMS command team to review.
Putting it into text chat form with a nice green text would be a brilliant way to keep it around, while also ensuring we carry on heading in the right direction with our radio usage pushing a focus on urgent comms only
Hey Steve,

After a sit down with the relevant command members we have came to the conclusion to keep the pre alerts which our CCPs optionally complete in game. If we seem to get more complaints of the pre alerts we will look into it again but for now we will keep to our current system. Thank you for the suggestion but I will mark this suggestion as declined.

(OM2) Corey
NHS Command
thank you for taking the time to look however it seams my suggestion may have been mis-interpreted

just to clarify i wasnt saying stop pre alerts completely, just dont do them over active radio channels, as kube said green text in chat is suitable