Pending Dev Review NHS/LAS: Medical System / UI

The suggestion is awaiting dev review.

(RS5) Adam E.

Apr 13, 2022
Reaction score
Suggestion Title: Medical System / UI

Division: NHS/LAS

My suggestion is that prior to push IV / IO drugs you are required to actually insert an IV / IO into the patient. Without doing this the option for pushing drugs would be restricted.

Further have IV attempts sometimes fail in a way that an IO would be required.

With the addition of this intraosseous access could be limited to be an AP Only skill giving more advanced practitioners a further skill that they can utilise and allowing scenes to be a little bit longer rather than the current quick format they are. At the minute all scenes can be completed within the space of a few minutes unless they are in a hazardous area or they need stitching, this would make scenes slightly longer and require very slightly more treatment
Upvote 1
Hey Adam,

Me and the team like this idea. I've put this forward for review with the dev team.
