Declined Old rpu EVO 10

The suggestion has been declined.


Police Constable
Jan 17, 2022
Reaction score
Can we bring back the old Evo 10. it was a dominant force when rpu was a thing and had capabilities not many other had. especially with not having to request to go offroad anymore i believe the evo would be a great asset to the RTPC division
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All RTPC Vehicles can go off road on dirt tracks without authorisation, Additionally fully off road vehicles which have a 4x4 icon next to them on the vehicle guide can go full off road without authorisation. You may request authorisation to go full off road in a non 4x4 vehicles. As much as it is a lovely vehicle I doubt we will see it return as it isn't used within the Metropolitan Police anymore (I Don't Think).
So I've got no intention of returning the EVO to RTPC. it was removed in a prior overhaul and is not on any immediate list of things to add to RTPC. It'll be remaining in storage until it's decided what to do with it.