Declined pay to make/save outifts?

The suggestion has been declined.


Media Team
Jul 28, 2023
Reaction score
Save Outfits
Hello, can there be an option to pay to save your outifts instead of paying for tacops every month?
I know people who are in multiple devishions or who are SGT+ have a lot of outifts but rarely use the tacops cars.
Pay to make custom peds?
Again, ive seen suggestions about the paying to make custom outfits to make rp scenes for emergency workers look better. But if we paid to make custom peds but not be able to save the peds with the outfits on, there wouldnt be any major gains.

My suggestion is to make a pack on the store the same as Tac Ops (Making custom ped and saving the outfits) but to not have the cars. I belive this option would benefit more people in the sever :)
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Hi @Baggy,

Thanks for the suggestion.

So in simple terms - yes what your saying could be done - Although let me explain why it may not be a good idea!

If we was to split out all these features they would all need to be priced at around £7-8 and we just don’t feel this would be value for money.

Issue we have is tebex charge a “purchase & commission fee” what this means is for every purchase on our store they just for using the platform, we legally have to use tebex as FiveM’s only approved vender. So for easy maths lets call this fee £1 - they then take a payment gateway fee (for online card purchases about 5% currently of the total sale) let’s call this about £0.50.

On top of all this we have to factor in VAT and our tax contributions let’s call this another £2 for rough maths.

So nearly half of that intial smaller subscription we actually wont ever see! (Scary right!)

Our main concern here is if we dilute “perks” into smaller packs we ultimately will see a lot more of these smaller transactions meaning we net less and tebex nets more! (although tax/VAT remain the same) with multiple smaller purchases tebex would then take a larger slice of the cake (when frankly they already take too much)

Just bear in mind that it’s not just uniforms that people want split out, it’s hair, cars, EA access. Ultimately with these being priced in the £7-8 range it would work out uneconomical for us & a lot more expensive for you guys - we try and do value for money for all our packs so hopefully that clears it up why it is the way it is!

In theory it’s a good idea, just when you work the maths out overall it doesn’t work out!

Hopefully this sorta settles this debate once and for all as it seems to be repeating itself over and over!

Cheers, forbs