Accepted Police staff

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New member
Jan 18, 2023
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Police staff for front reception. They respond to civs ringing the police bell. Other than that you can sit at the front desk and rp doing paperwork. yes it may be boring for some, so then don’t be police staff. I will happily be police staff. I don’t get bored. It will be very fun. Any other suggestions for what police staff can do, write in the comments.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Hello, Thank you for the suggestion

Would you be able to explain more in detail how this would benefit the server and the playerbase as a whole?
Accept because it’s the only post so far that hasn’t been declined yet :(
I think it would be good to have a police staff uniform under the ERT category to help enhance the RP at stations.
Anything stopping you from doing it currently? Like sitting and waiting for a Civ to buzz MRPD.
Adding on to Deputy Head of Civ i would be more then happy to bring down my list of complaints about every officer i come into contact with and speak to you about it. Would be a fun RP
Adding on to Deputy Head of Civ i would be more then happy to bring down my list of complaints about every officer i come into contact with and speak to you about it. Would be a fun RP
In contrast, I would be more than bored having to listen about whiny complaints about how an officer went 2miles over the speed limit.
In contrast, I would be more than bored having to listen about whiny complaints about how an officer went 2miles over the speed limit.
I mean, all my complaints would have some RP but I could also create scenes from there like I’ve lost my dad etc. I could extend RP and do missing person reports instead of 999’s to make it a variety
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