Closed - Acknowledged Realistic ANPR

This status contains valuable community suggestions that have been acknowledged by the Development Team. While these ideas are not scheduled for immediate implementation, they are recognized for their potential and may be considered in future development plans.


Police Constable
Jan 7, 2023
Reaction score
Something I saw on TikTok so decided to shoot my shot with a suggestion.

Similar to the /postal command, I suggest an /anpr command. Where inputting a full registration will give you a dynamic marker that will update with time as the vehicle moves around the map. These anpr pings would be pre-determined locations to be more realistic.
Going off the speed camera system we have in Discord, I feel like this could definitely be achieved.

No need to rely on civ to respond in text chat each time
More realism as ANPR pings will be in specific locations only and hence not as precise as people do them right now
Can actively carry on driving (civ no need for text response, police no need to /postal each time)
Hello Kube,

Thank you for your suggestion regarding additional features added to the ANPR. We truly appreciate the time and thought you've put into this idea.

We've updated the status of your suggestion to "Closed - Acknowledged." This means that while your idea holds merit and may be considered for future development, we're not planning to implement it immediately due to current priorities.

Your contribution is valuable, and we'll keep your suggestion on file for potential inclusion in our future planning.

Best regards,