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Recent content by Antony

  1. Antony

    Suggestion Accepted Control: PNC channel/role

    Suggestion Title: PNC channel/role Division: Control My suggestion is to make a new role called PNC Handler and a new channel in the radio so when officers are dealing with people if a PNC handler are online they can jump into that channel and ask for a pnc and pass over the relevant...
  2. Antony

    Pending Dev Review Control: Point to Point improvement

    Or maybe when a p2p has ended your radio could say channel change so people know
  3. Antony

    Sandy Motel

    a new version of sandy motel with enterable rooms i think would help with rp up in the sandy shores area as wont be a damaged building, also means that when afo scenes happen they can do building clearances
  4. Antony

    Suggestion Declined Fire: BA Refill

    Suggestion Title: BA Refill Division: Fire add BA refill to all pumps as when only person on as LFB and your pump dont have ba refill and your ba runs out & fire still going cant tackle it without going down due to noone who can BASU, could make it so you cant use a fire truck unless...
  5. Antony

    Declined Unmarked car number plates

    As someone that has done car skins before I would say it would be impossible as with the vehicles used in this server the number plates are apart of the vehicle skin templates therefore for this to physically work they would need to make several copies of the vehicle skin and change the numbers...
  6. Antony

    Declined 02 arena

    As it is closed off and says coming soon I think this should be added to game as can add extra things for roleplay purposes and more london feel
  7. Antony

    Closed - Acknowledged evidence script

    is it possible to create a script that allows civs to leave evidence at scenes and then when cid/forensics pick them up it gives them a evidence number i think this will boost the roleplay within forensics and cid for example: a civ leaves a knife on floor, when forensics pick it up it...
  8. Antony

    Accepted Weekly major incidents

    Yeah there use to be one for met divisions that happened on the weeks that methane didn't
  9. Antony

    Accepted Weekly major incidents

    Not sure if will be accepted but I remember when I joined policemp there was a major incident every week hosted by Nick which got all divisions and services involved these were very fun and would like to see these return they could happen the weeks that methane doesn't I think these really...
  10. Antony

    Suggestion Declined MET - CID: Callsigns

    Suggestion Title: Callsigns Division: MET - CID Allow uco to use callsigns 1-9 that way civs and other units know when they are active in server and don't need keep asking if uco if online
  11. Antony

    Declined New RTPC/TSG base

    It shouldnt glitch as made by the same person who made the sinner street police station
  12. Antony

    Declined New RTPC/TSG base

    I think this base looks really goodand would go well with the server it is a rtpc base and tsg base and he has plans to add firearms in aswell it is made by the original owner of UKOH Link: Discord:
  13. Antony

    Suggestion Accepted MET - CID: Forensic Deployments

    Suggestion Title: Forensic Deployments Division: MET - CID i think when forensics is being deployed instead of forensics going from the nearest station all forensic deployments should have to be from Lambeth Station (by the beach) and all items returned there instesad of vespucci a i dont...
  14. Antony

    Suggestion Declined College: College trainer uniform

    Suggestion Title: College trainer uniform Division: College create a uniform for college trainers like a black top with the words College Trainer/Staff on the back that way when having to do trainings and cant be done in a instance like road closures and taser others know its not people...
  15. Antony

    Accepted Fire alarm panel

    I think this would be good in game as can be used in so many roleplay scenes where civs can set off a fire alarm in a public building that will require lfb response and it could be a actual fire or a false alarm

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