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Recent content by nofts

  1. N

    Suggestion Declined College: Mandatory PAVA training before taser training.

    In my opinion, and many others due to what I've been told, PAVA should be a mandatory training that you have to do before taser training. It's a better deescalation method and it would make so much more sense having them get taught that before they go a step up to a 50,000 volt taser, which in...
  2. N

    Suggestion Declined MET - ERT: Revamp the ERT SLP Road Management

    In this SLP, it doesn't state anything about blocking a road off at the nearest junction, and it bothers me that newcomers see even people in divisions such as RTPC blocking roads off at the scenes start and end. If we give an example for something like a fire, the traffic has got to be pushed...

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