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  1. J

    Suggestion Declined Aux - Civ Roleplay: Require all Civs to book their characters in the CAD system

    Suggestion Title: Require all Civs to book their characters in the CAD system Division: Aux - Civ Roleplay Require all civilians to register their characters in CAD before starting a scene or leaving the civilian base. Far too often, I pull over civilians or catch them after they flee...
  2. J

    Suggestion Accepted MET - RTPC: Police Bike Siren

    Hello everyone, I found an excellent siren pack that could be used for any of the motor units and SEG. There is a version of the file with a bullhorn and a version with a whistle which would be absolutely AMAZING for when we do SEG escorts instead of using our sirens all the time. This would add...
  3. J

    Closed - Acknowledged Megaphone

    Hi everyone, I found an excellent megaphone mod that I think would be compatible with our server. This would be great for AFO scenes where we need to communicate with someone far away from us or barricaded inside a building. I think this would be a great addition to the server, and the cost is...
  4. J

    Suggestion Accepted Aux - Civ Roleplay: Allow civs to edit the inventory of vehicles

    Suggestion Title: Allow civs to edit the inventory of vehicles Division: Aux - Civ Roleplay Allow civilian players to edit the vehicle's inventory when PCs search vehicles using right-click + r. This will add more realism and free up the /me usage in busy scenes.
  5. J

    Suggestion Accepted MET - RTPC: Add an "At Fault" section to CIU Form

    Suggestion Title: Add an "At Fault" section to CIU Form Division: MET - RTPC Add an additional question in the CIU Form that asks which driver was at fault and caused the crash.
  6. J

    Make Callsign Changer 1-999 Instead of 1-99

    The current system to set your callsign using /callsign in chat only allows you to go as high as 99. This is problematic for CW units as well as some others whose callsign is three digits. I would love to see a fix implemented!

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